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Student mobility, Internationalization of higher education, Koreanness, Mixed-race Koreans, Return migration
유학생 모빌리티, 고등교육의 국제화, 한국성, 한국계 혼혈인, 역이주


The population of multiracial Koreans at home and abroad has grown in recent decades, due to the increasing movement of people into and out of the Korean peninsula and the births of children among the Korean diaspora and in Korea itself. This study focuses on the fact that the international students coming to Korea often include overseas Koreans of mixed heritage. This study examines what factors motivate them to attend Korean universities and how these students’ ethnic, racial, and cultural backgrounds have impacted their educational and social experiences in Korea, particularly taking into account the broader context of the recent internationalization of higher education and the historical development of perceptions and the status of mixed-race Koreans in Korea. Methodologically, this research uses in-depth interview data with 14 Koreans of mixed heritage currently enrolled in Korean universities. The research found that mixed-race Koreans from abroad come to Korea to acquire international educational credentials and to gain diasporic experience. They take advantage of the accessible admission processes of Korean universities and use their English ability and other language skills for academic purposes. Their multicultural upbringing has influenced their choices of majors. However, by crossing borders,they come to encounter and deal with different racial and ethnic conceptions ascribed in Korea. A majority of respondents report that they socialize primarily with international students. Multiracial Koreans from abroad are often regarded as complete foreigners, and the authenticity of their Koreanness is questioned due to their nationality, lack of fluency in the Korean language and culture, and physical appearance. The Korean government and universities should make efforts to build diversity awareness and to shape a more diverse campus environment that will maximize mixed-race students’ learning and development. In addition, there should be programs through which mixed-race students, especially those who are interested in further exploring their Korean heritage, can have better access to Korean cultural resources. This article will contribute to an improved understanding of the experiences of multiracial Koreans as well as issues related to educational migration and ethnic return migration in general.

최근 국내외에서 한국계 혼혈 인구가 증가하였는데 이는 이주민의 한국으로의 유입과 유출이 증가하였고 또한 해외 한인디아스포라 커뮤니티 내에서의 족외혼과 국내에서의 국제결혼이 늘어났기 때문이다. 본 연구에서는 한국으로 유입되는 유학생 중에 해외출신 한국계 혼혈인들이 포함되어 있다는 점에서 이들의 초국적 모빌리티에 주목한다. 본 논문에서는 해외출신 혼혈학생들의 한국대학으로의 유학을 추동하는 동기와 이들의 민족, 인종, 문화적 배경이 한국에서의 교육・사회적 경험에 미치는 영향에 관해서 고찰한다. 최근의 한국 고등교육의 국제화와 혼혈인에 대한 내국인들의 인식 변화와 현황의 맥락을 고려한다. 연구방법으로는 국내대학에 재학 중인 14명의 해외출신 혼혈인들과의 심층면담 자료를 활용하였다.

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