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multicultural social work, multicultural competence, social work education
사회복지 교육, 다문화 역량, 다문화 사회복지


Modernization and globalization of society, cultural diversity on the one hand and mixture of cultures on the other hand requires multicultural competence from helping professionals, including social workers. According to literature reviews, multicultural competence, as well as other professional competences, consists of knowledge, skills and attitudes, the education of which should be continuous, consistent and lasting whole lifetime. In order to find multicultural competence in social work education, research was conducted surveying social work fourth-year students and interviewing graduates with international social work practice. Respondents were asked about different aspects of multicultural education during their studies: knowledge and skills necessary for multicultural competence, multicultural experience, multicultural competences and social work education. Data analysis showed that student's opinion about knowledge and skills related to multicultural competence is positive, but critical. They defined what they need for improving their multicutural competence. Survey research revealed that social work student during their studies practiced at least three forms of multicultural social work: activities at the national level, professional exchange of knowledge and international practice. Social worker graduates with multicultural social work practice stated that multicultural competence not only enables social workers to have more opportunities for careers, but also have a positive impact on personal and professional growth.

오늘날 사회에서 가속화되는 현대화와 세계화는 사회복지사를 포함하여 타인을 돕는 직종에 종사하는 다문화 역량을 요구하는데, 이것은 한편으로는 문화적 다양성을, 다른 한편으로는 문화 간 혼합을 이해하는 역량으로 볼 수 있다. 문헌연구에 따르면 다문화 역량은 다른 직업 역량과 같이 지식, 기술, 태도로 구성되며, 역량 함양을 위한 교육은 일관성이 있고 생애 지속적이어야 한다. 사회복지 교육의 다문화 역량을 모색하기 위해 본 연구는 사회복지학 전공의 대학교 4학년 학생과 졸업생을 대상으로 설문조사와 면담을 실시하였다. 연구대상자들은 해외에서 현장실습을 해본 경험이 있거나 국내의 다문화 사회복지 기관에서 종사 또는 실습경험이 있는 사회복지학과 학생과 졸업생으로 구성하였다.

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