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다문화주의, 문화다원주의, 다문화사회, 홍익인간, 단군설화, 화합, 평화, 세계화
multi-culturalism, cultural pluralism, multi-cultural society, peace, harmony, globalization, Hongikingan thought, the myth of Tan gun


The idea of hongikingan (translated as devotion to the welfare of humankind ) is the main theme of the myth of Tan gun, the first founding myth for the Korean nation. The myth is the story of Gods and humans. Ancient Koreans had to be sensitive to the kaleidoscopic phenomena of nature which they were surrounded by, as it was directly affected their survival. The mighty force of nature was shown to be something divine to the ancient people, and they began to explain nature and the world with the names of deities. Our ancestors left some meaningful records on the natural environment, on human beings, and on society. The Zen Buddhist master, Iryn (1206- 1289) who was a contemporary of Kim, however, left this noteworthy record through Samguk Yusa (Memorabilia of the Three Kingdoms. Yi Seunghyu (1224-1300), the author of Chewang Ungi (Rhymed Record of Emperors and Kings), had recorded a myth about the foundation of Kochosun (The Old Chosun). Now, with the help of these writers and others, we are able to get insightful information regarding the founding nation on the Korean peninsula. This information will lead us to the ancient vision of the world that our ancestors envisioned. We show the idea of the archetypical Utopia as it relates to nature, to individuals, and to society through the myth of Tan gun. It is a story of gods, and is the first record of nature and of civilization, the relationship between man and woman, and the appearance of a desirable community. Our ancestors expressed it in the four ideographies, hong-ik-in-gan . Now we should ask why the theme of the story of gods was human beings (ingan) ? It might be their wishes that they want to speak about the story of human beings in the form of the myth. The hongik ingan thought in Tan gun Chosun shows multiculturalism that modern Korean society needs for. It is not humanism simply to benefit Korean, but rather the thought of unification between different races and cultures that pursues the divine world in the human society. As we see the plot of the myth; that a god descended into the human world, and both bear and tiger wished to be human, it could be understood that the ancient Koreans focused on human beings as a harmonious figure, and on the pursuit of peaceful relationship and the harmonization among different tribes.

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