다문화사회의 새로운 가치와 바람직한 방향성을 모색하고

실제적 도움이 되는 다양한 사업을 진행하는 연구기관

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다문화주의, 인정, 외국인, 연령별, 지구화
Multiculturalism, Approval, Foreigner, Age Groups, Globalization


Multiculturalism is the acceptance or promotion of multiple ethnic cultures, applied to the demographic make-up of a specific place, usually at the neighborhoods, cities or nations. The policy of multiculturalism is often contrasted with the concepts assimilationism and social integration. This study analyzes and evaluates Koreans’ perception on multicultural society base on survey research data on their attitudes towards the Chinese, South East Asian, Japanese, Taiwanese, European and North American. For achieve this object, this study analyzes how would Korean feel about having members of the people from the foreign countries or regions as working associates,neighbors and close kins by marriage. Contrary to common sense, Koreans are likely to have on higher plane of perception on multicultural society. But survey data supports that Koreans have a little different perception on multicultural society by age groups. Generally, young persons cope with multicultural society in a positive attitude than old persons. But young persons’multicultural perception is still biased in that it is open to foreigners from Japan, Europe and North America but not to those from developing countries such as China and South East Asia. Lastly, this study shows that Koreans have a little different perception on globalization by age groups too. However, the causality is not clear in different perception on multicultural society by age groups from the foreign countries or regions. This will be another research topic.

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