다문화사회의 새로운 가치와 바람직한 방향성을 모색하고

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중등 예비교사, 다문화 인식, 다문화 태도
Secondary Pre-service Teacher, Multicultural Awareness, Multicultural Attitude


This study aims to examine the effect of the multicultural awareness among secondary pre-service teachers on the multicultural attitude. The conclusions of this study are as follows:First, it turned out that there was no difference among groups with regard to the multicultural awareness depending on the grades and subjects that secondary pre-service teachers belonged to. As to the multicultural awareness depending on whether or not they had multicultural friends or relatives, however, significant difference was found among the groups in terms of general multicultural awareness, openness, receptiveness, and respect. Second, the multicultural attitudes depending on whether or not the secondary pre-service teachers had multicultural friends and relatives, there was significant difference among groups in terms of general multicultural attitude, openness·receptiveness, and practical will. Third, statistically significant static correlation was observed between the multicultural awareness and the multicultural attitude among secondary pre-service teachers. As to the subcategories of the multicultural awareness a high level of static correlation was observed in all the subcategories of the multicultural attitudes - recognition of difference, openness, receptiveness, and practical will. Fourth, it turned out that the multicultural awareness among secondary pre-service teachers had statistically significant effects on some of the subcategories of the multicultural attitudes - openness·receptiveness, and practical will. Based on the conclusion above, colleges training secondary pre-service teachers are required to put forth considerate efforts to develop various multicultural education programs to enhance the multicultural awareness and the multicultural attitude among secondary pre-service teachers so that secondary pre-service teachers could be given more opportunities to attend such classes.

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  1. 누구든지 전자우편주소의 수집을 거부하는 의사가 명시된 인터넷 홈페이지에서 자동으로 전자우편주소를 수집하는 프로그램 그 밖의 기술적 장치를 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집하여서는 아니된다.
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