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다문화주의, 상호문화주의, 상호문화도시지표, 원주민, 이주민, 현지인, 이민자
multiculturalism, interculturalism, Intercultural Cities Index, native, immigrant Cities Index, native, immigrant


As European leaders have admitted the failure of multicultural policy in Europe, some Korean academia and media expected that European immigration policy would go back to the assimilationist policy. But contrary to their expectation, interculturalism is emerging as newly dominant principle of immigrants policy in Europe. The intercultualism is a concept that promotes and encourages interaction, understanding and respect between different cultures and ethnic groups. It was presented in Europe at the beginning of 2000s, and it has spreaded throughout Europe with Intercultural cities programme started in 2008 which is jointly supervised by the European Union and the Council of Europe. This programme strives to develop a model that supports intercultural integration through active interaction among diverse ethnic groups within urban communities. This European programme gives some implications to Korean immigrant policy: First, the importance of immigration policy is not only recognized as cultural diversities but also promotes interaction among diverse ethnic groups. Second, the local-level policy is equally important as national-level policy. Third, designing the Intercultural Index with public confidence is crucial part and engenders good sample for making Korean index. Forth, international cooperation for local-level policy serves substantial role in developing Korean immigrant policy.

참고문헌 (29)

  1. [학술지] 오정은 / 2011 / 네덜란드의 외국계 주민 통합정책 연구: 틸부르크(Tilburg)시의 상호문화 사업을 중심으로 / 유럽연구 29 (3) : 189 ~ 215
  2. [기타] / 2011 / 기로에 선 유럽 다문화정책 / 세계일보
  3. [기타] / 2011 / ‘따로국밥’ 다문화주의 실패 ‘섞어찌개’ 혼종성이 답이다 / 서울신문
  4. [기타] / 2011 / 어떤 다문화사회를 만들 것인가 / 국민일보
  5. [기타] / 2011 / 유럽국가들 다문화 실패 선언 잇달아 / 한국일보
  6. [기타] / 2011 / 유럽 다문화주의 실패 논란 가열 / 연합뉴스
  7. [기타] / 2011 / 유럽 뒤덮은 극우주의...실패한 다문화정책 / 헤럴드 경제
  8. [기타] / 2011 / 유럽의회도 다문화 실패론 동의 / 연합뉴스
  9. [기타] / 2011 / 이민자는 가라... 시험대 오른 유럽 다문화주의 / 한국경제
  10. [기타] / 2011 / 이민자는 가라!... 실패로 가는 유럽 다문화주의 / 이데일리
  11. [학술지] Blad, Cory / 2009 / The Rise of an Intercultural Nation: Immigration, Diversity and Nationhood in Quebec / Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 35 (4) : 645 ~ 667
  12. [학술지] Bouchard, Gérald / 2011 / What Is Interculturalism? / McGill Law Journal 56 (2) : 435 ~ 468
  13. [단행본] Clarijs, René / 2010 / Diversity and Community Development: An Intercultural Approach / SWP Publishing
  14. [기타] Council of Europe and the European Commission / 2008 / The Intercultural City : What It Is and How to Make It Work
  15. [학술지] Gagnon, Alain G. / 2000 / Plaidoyer pour l'interculturalisme / Revue Possible 24 (4) : 11 ~ 25
  16. [단행본] Juteau, Danielle / 1994 / Multiculturalisme, interculturalisme et production de la nation, In Ethnicisation des rapports sociaux: Racismes, nationalismes, ethnicismes et culturalismes
  17. [단행본] McAndrew, Marie / 2007 / Quebec's Interculturalism Policy: an Alternative Vision. Commentary, In Belonging? Diversity, Recognition and Shared Citizenship in Canada / Institute for Research on Public Policy
  18. [단행본] Soysal, Yasemin N. / 1994 / Limits of Citizenship: Migrants and Postnational Membership in Europe / The University of Chicago Press
  19. [단행본] Wood, Phil / 2009 / Intercultural Cities: Towards a Model for Intercultural Integration / Council of Europe
  20. [기타] Tilburg / 2011 / Tilburg in Cijfers
  21. [인터넷자료] / "Interview: Irene Guidikova at Intercultural Cities," Conversation in Integration
  22. [기타] / 2008 / Lublin: First pilot Intercultural City / Intercultural Cities Newsletter, No. 1
  23. [기타] / 2010 / The First National Network of Intercultural Cities / Intercultural Cities Newsletter, No. 11
  24. [인터넷자료] / http://cgi.dolist.net/online.asp?l=2629-3311-7890-cb2d1734
  25. [기타] / 2011 / The Intercultural cities family expands! / Intercultural Cities Newsletter, No. 14
  26. [인터넷자료] / http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/cultureheritage/culture/Cities/Newsletter/newsletter14/newsletter14_en.asp
  27. [기타] / 2010 / Lubilin시 문화정책담당관 Roman Jaborkhel과의 인터뷰
  28. [기타] / 2010 / Tilburg시 다문화정책 담당관 Ms. Laraine Verbakel과 사회통합과장 Mr. Gijs Bax와의 인터뷰
  29. [기타] / 2011 / 유럽평의회 상호문화도시 프로그램 매니저 Irene Guidikova와의 인터뷰

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정보통신망법 제50조의2 (전자우편주소의 무단 수집행위 등 금지)
  1. 누구든지 전자우편주소의 수집을 거부하는 의사가 명시된 인터넷 홈페이지에서 자동으로 전자우편주소를 수집하는 프로그램 그 밖의 기술적 장치를 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집하여서는 아니된다.
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  3. 누구든지 제1항 및 제2항의 규정에 의하여 수집·판매 및 유통이 금지된 전자우편주소임을 알고 이를 정보전송에 이용하여서는 아니 된다.