다문화사회의 새로운 가치와 바람직한 방향성을 모색하고

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다문화사회, 사회통합, 이주노동자, 미등록 이주노동자, 인권
multicultural society, social integration, migrant worker, undocumented-migrant worker, human rights


The massive influx of migrant workers has started 1980s in Korea due to the rapid wage increase and the evasion on arduous job. According to the survey of Ministry of Justice in 2010, the number of stay foreigner who live in Korea has been over 1.20 millions, the half of whom are the migrant worker, which shows that they are one of the main members in our society. The constitutional rights of Korea grants foreigner. Of course, the rights should be equally accepted to the migrant workers. However, the structure of the employment permit system seems to permit only limited rights to documented migrant workers. This study focuses on pointing out for undocumented migrant workers' human rights. The current domestic legal system and International Human Rights which are related directly and indirectly with the documented and undocumented migrant worker was analyzed and examined. First, it is natural that the International Covenant on Human Rights guarantees human Rights and fundamental rights of the migrant worker at the same level of the national workers. Particularly, on December 18, 1990, the United Nations has adopted ‘International Convention of the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of the Their Families’. Therefore a legal basis for protecting migrant worker - contained undocumented migrant worker- in international level has been existed. On the basic of it, the improvement with the legal task to protect the human right of undocumented migrant workers'were presented.

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정보통신망법 제50조의2 (전자우편주소의 무단 수집행위 등 금지)
  1. 누구든지 전자우편주소의 수집을 거부하는 의사가 명시된 인터넷 홈페이지에서 자동으로 전자우편주소를 수집하는 프로그램 그 밖의 기술적 장치를 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집하여서는 아니된다.
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  3. 누구든지 제1항 및 제2항의 규정에 의하여 수집·판매 및 유통이 금지된 전자우편주소임을 알고 이를 정보전송에 이용하여서는 아니 된다.